8 Tips on How to Update Your Resume

September 12, 2019

We are bringing you eight tips, directly from our top NextGen Recruiters, on how to refresh your resume to land you the perfect job! Follow along to learn what you should do to get an interview.

  1. Always quantify your work. This helps recruiters immediately realize the impact that you have made in the position held.
  2. Keep it simple. Don’t worry about fancy formatting like borders, word art, photos, and different fonts.
  3. Use the objective section. If you’re looking to relocate, change your career path or target a specific company, include that in this section at the top of your resume.
  4. Detail your start and end dates. Always list the specific months that you started and finished working each position.
  5. Include key skills. If you have specific software, program, and technology knowledge and experience, list it! Recruiters use key word searches to find the people that best match the job they are trying to fill. If it’s not on your resume or LinkedIn profile, you won’t show up in our search.
  6. Grammar. Triple check for spelling and grammatical errors, including mistypes that are words spelled correctly but in the wrong context.
  7. Highlight job duties. For all positions, show the day to day responsibilities and include where and what you were doing in each role or project.
  8. Tailor your resume for the job you want. If there are specific skills or experience you can highlight in your previous roles that perfectly match the job you are applying for, make sure that information is easily found on your resume.

Use these simple tips to help update your resume and the job you’ve been hoping for!

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